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Tuesday, January 25, 2005



How on earth did you get to Rotorua from Auckland via the volcanic plateau?

I'm Maori and have no clue that my people are "pretty marginalized on the economic front and have crime/drugs/alcohol problems similar to many other economically-disadvantaged communities around the world". What a crock of steaming...

It isn't "quite crazy" that they check your boots in customs. It's to stop ignorant tourists destroying our country.

It would be far better if we just didn't let people like you into the country to get the wrong idea about New Zealand and its people.


Ahh...reading about your time in Aotearoa--"Land of the Long White Cloud" makes me so nostalgic as it's one of my favorite places! What did you think about the Maori traditional nose greeting, eh? That was a trip! Wasn't the Te Papa museum amazing? So did either of you fall thru any of Fox Glacier crevices? That happens a lot--happended to me and scared the CRAP out of me!

Dev--like the scruffy look you're sporting now in Brazil.

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